New album “Long Night Moon”, Music video “Life is Just a Dream”, Fall Tour Dates
Stay tuned for release dates for my new album “Long Night Moon” and the music video for “Life is Just a Dream” directed by James Adams!
Friday September 13th: World Cafe Live Philadelphia, PA
Opening for Mutlu’s album release party 8pm
September 16th- Fergie’s Pub
singing with Pretend Collective feature performer 8pm
September 18th: Johnny Brenda’s Philadelphia, PA
singing with Pretend Collective Album Release Party 8pm
with Andrew Lipke, Erik Kramer and Friends
September 22nd: The Hedgerow Theatre Media, PA 1pm
Saturday October 12th: Bourbon & Branch
Philadelphia, PA 8pm tickets $10
“Long Night Moon” Album Release Party
with special guests Rise Twain & Brother Starling
Tuesday October 22nd: Pete’s Candy Store
709 Lorimer Street Brooklyn, NY 9:30pm
Thursday October 24th: The Burren
Somerville, MA 7-9pm all ages
with Rise Twain
November 6th: 118 North Wayne, PA
feature performer 9pm
Saturday November 9th: Darlington Arts Center